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6. Warranty and conformity
6.1 The company guarantees that the products and / or services meet the contract specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of reliability and / or usability and the existing legislation on the date of the conclusion of the agreement and / or government regulations.
6.2 By the trader, manufacturer or importer as a guarantee scheme does not affect the rights and claims that consumers in respect of a failure in the performance of the operator obligations to the employer may assert under the Act and / or the distance contract.
6.3 The customer is obliged to check the delivered goods immediately upon receipt. Should the goods delivered wrong, inadequate or incomplete, then the customer must report these defects immediately in writing to Nedro (before proceeding to return to Nedro). Any defects or faulty goods should and can be reported in writing no later than 2 months after delivery to Nedro. Return of Goods must be in original packaging (including accessories and documentation) and in new condition. Commissioning after detection of failure, damage occurring after detection of failure, encumbrance and / or resale after detection of failure, does the right to claim and return void.
6.4 If the customer complaints are found justified by Nedro, Nedro will at its option or the goods delivered free replacement or the client a written scheme of compensation, provided that the liability of Nedro and therefore the amount of compensation still limited to a maximum of the invoice amount of the relevant goods, or (at the option of Nedro to the maximum in the case concerned the liability of Nedro amount covered. any liability of Nedro is for any other form of damage, including any additional compensation in any form whatsoever, compensation for indirect or consequential damages or damages for lost profits.
6.5 Nedro is not liable for damage caused intentionally or equivalent recklessness of non-managerial staff.
6.6 This warranty does not apply:
A) so long as the purchaser against Nedro is in default;
B) the customer has repaired the delivered goods themselves and / or processed or leave reparenen / or modified by third parties.
C) the delivered goods have been exposed to abnormal conditions or otherwise careless handling or contrary to the instructions of Nedro and / or instructions on the packaging;
D) were defective in whole or in part, is the result of regulations that the government has made or will make with regard to the nature or quality of the materials used;